Monday, August 25, 2008

Chemo - Day 1

Today went well, so far. Just got home from CHEMO.
Had three chemo drugs; Carboplatin, Avastin and Alimta.
Also anti-nausea drug, vitamin B-12, and a steroid.
Was told get some CLARITIN for possible bone pain
(highly recommended by UNC Hospitals); they don't know
why or how it works, but it does. A prescription for
another anti-nausea drug, and a drug (Nuelasta) to
stimulate bone marrow growth (Bride get's to give me
this one).
Everyone in the place acted very nice and seemed to
be sincere in the attitude they have toward the patients.
HURRAY for GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!! Ya can't find it
in retail establishments except on very, rare occasions,
but it's alive and well in my MO's office.
Bride has gone to the pharmacy (NOT WALLY WORLD) to get
the anti-nausea prescription and relieve her tension by
going shopping at a nearby retail establishment of her
choosing (GRIN).
I'm having a happy day.....I'm actually on vacation from
work for the whole week. I've had two pages, two emails
and, luckily, no phone calls today. Truth be known, I'll
probably go back on Wednesday if, IF, I am feeling OK.
Have a Great! Week.

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