Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ok, it's starting to be uncomfortable

This is the 2nd week of radiation treatments and it's beginning to be a bit uncomfortable. Swallowing feels kind of like there's a small restriction. Not really painful, just uncomfortable. Heartburn is increasing also. Taking an OTC pill for that and it seems to be working. The doctor said what he would prescribe is the same thing and it would just cost more.
Trying to decide which liquid meal to have tonight.....even though liquids go down just like solids. Same feeling. The one thing that I remember from the doc is that I have eat, even if I don't want to. Hmmmmmm, Slim-Fast or some other meal in a can.....kinda like me and water, at first. Didn't like water but I have acquired a liking to that clear liquid.

1 comment:

RLR said...

Well, I'd hoped you'd get a month before the side effects started.... Darn.... We're still thinking about you and keeping you on the prayer list in our Sunday School class. If you want something to lift your spirits, take a look at the Halloween cuties on my blog!

Love you -
The Older Daughter