Sunday, October 19, 2008

Radiation begins

Tomorrow morning, bright and early I might add, I will be getting my first
radiation treatment.
I was told be be at the office at about 6:30 AM for a treatment fifteen
minutes later.
While I'm usually at work earlier than that, it just seems strange to be at
a doctor's office that early.
I've been told it will all last about 15 minutes or so. That includes getting
positioned on the table and the treatment so I should be at work by shortly
after seven.
Of course I do have my apprehensions about this phase of my treatments. I will
just have to wait and see what happens.

1 comment:

RLR said...

I was thinking about you last night, knowing that I am never up before 7am and I wouldn't get a chance to say a prayer before your treatment this morning. I woke up at 6:40am (not wide awake, but awake).
Hope all went well, and know that I am waiting for any updates ;)
The Older Daughter