Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 2010 SNOW

We had snow last night. First time in several years we have had any accumulation.
My darling Bride had to go to a Trauma Seminar this morning in Wilmington. The roads
were actually in good shape. The NCDOT had ample time to spray the main and secondary roads before it all started.
I took a side trip to Wrightsville Beach after dropping her off at the Hilton. Got some pretty nice pictures there. One is of a SNOWMAN on the beach !!

I have several others so check them out on my Facebook page.

Stay in, stay dry, stay warm.

1 comment:

RLR said...

That is a very cool photo!
We had just a light snowfall here - but we were supposed to get none! It was icy out this morning, but cleared quickly, and it's really a nicer day than many we've had lately.