Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Blog is Back!!

OK, so I lied a little bit. I couldn't stand not making all of you suffer by reading my trash, so here goes.....

If there is one thing that I have learned through all of this is CHEMO will, more than likely, make one constipated. Radiation treatment in the area of esophagus will diffidently cause one's esophagus to hurt.
The constipation is relieved by taking frequent (twice daily) doses of Sennocot and another preparation know as "stool softener". DON'T LEAVE YET, IT GETS BETTER !!!!
The esophageal pain is relieved in several ways.....the first attempt was with hydrocodone with acetaminophen. This succeeded in putting me to sleep when taken at the recommended dosage. Cutting back on the dose didn't help at all. No pain relief.
My wonderful, wonderful Bride put on her thinking cap and came up with a suggestion that we floated by the radiation oncologist yesterday. He said that he used this particular ingredient in a mixture to help with the pain (why didn't he give it to me the first time I asked?). This stuff is good!! Xylocaine, Malox (Cherry flavored) and benedryl. Numbs almost everything from the lips down. We left the pharmacy and went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner (I had not eaten anything to speak of in about 3 days). I ate the almost the whole meal!!! Who would have thunk??
Today I ate most of three meals. I had been on a weight loss trip, almost 30 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks. My Bride is amazing!!!! I can eat, drink and be merry again.
Depression is no fun either......don't let it happen to you. I was getting or had gotten that way. Pain, even minor, that is constant, will lead you in that direction.

OK, I'm back on my soap box. Get ready to put up with my rants and raves. I think I have found my second wind.


RLR said...

Yahoo-ooo! So glad you are back! (Though I must admit it's *just* a little weird to read about constipation on your Dad's blog....)

That sounds like one crazy concoction, but I am SO GLAD it does the trick! I think that I would miss food a lot, so I am glad that you have been enjoying meals again.

Love, hugs, and all kinds of crazy happy energy coming your way -
The Older Daughter

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are back. That beverage sounds pretty nasty, but could probably be improved with a little Capt. Morgan!
