Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ruff weekend.......

Had a pretty lousy weekend (should have know that would happen). Couldn't eat, drink or be merry! {{Glenn, the Capt. Morgan sounds good but will have to wait about a month}}.
If I take my narcotic pain relief I go to sleep and if I take the other one it deadens my esophagus and it feels like the food hangs in my throat.
Today I actually ate a chicken (UGH) sandwich plus some more chicken!! Drinking water is not an option that I like (see earlier posts) but it's better than becoming dehydrated.
The way my Bride has it figured I should be through with radiation and, possibly, chemo on December 9th. Keep your fingers and toes crossed. I am, especially, ready to get out from under the radiation treatments. After the chemo my taste buds might get back some of their function too.
I wish everyone a wonderful week!!!!!

1 comment:

RLR said...

Ooooh! A DATE! That is SO EXCITING! Hooray! Yippeeeeee! ::GRIN::

Counting it down with you -
The Older Daughter