Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's been a heck of a year ....

Well, here it is almost the end of September. January started out with with a cardiac stent being installed in my heart. That was followed a couple of months later with a possible diagnosis of a rare cancer growing in my bile duct. No one could get a definite biopsy and they weren't sure exactly what to do. They did decide it wasn't operable. Finally they placed a stent into one of the bile ducts and an external drain in the other one. I have spent about six to eight weeks in hospitals since April. I did get a "good" biopsy the first week in August. It is a Klatskin tumor, which is a fairly rare cancer. Have started chemo. Went back into hospital five days after the initial treatment. Docs don't think the two were related. It appears that I keep having electrolyte imbalances that make me really weak, dehydrated and really sick. I'm home again and seem to have a great appetite. Once again it is time to take life one day at a time and have faith that my God will take care of me as it is in his plan. Sometimes it is hard to maintain a positive outlook but having faith and hope is the only path to take. As long as the blue side is up and the green side is down I know that I'm surviving.

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