Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rant Day 10/01/2013

Insurance company sent me an EOB for services performed by a provider in June. They tell me that the procedure was done "out of network" and wasn't "pre-approved", therefore paid at a lower rate than in network care.
Spoke with provider office and they stated they would not have provided the care if it had not been approved by my insurance carrier. The provider is checking its records again.
We even checked when I "checked-in" for the procedure to be certain that pre-approval had been obtained and was told that it had been.
Received a billing from a provider the other day for services provided in JANUARY !! I called them and asked why the delay. They said my provider had just paid them so they weren't sure what to bill me until then. Great, now I am getting a bit slack in the memory department so what the heck did they provide in January?? I asked for an itemized statement.....I got one....one line that I can't decipher. No way in heck can I tell what the service provided was. Did you bill my secondary carrier? .....uh, no. Will you? Well, yes. Good, thank you very much.
Insurance wants it premium payments.
Providers want their billings paid on time and at a decent rate.
I want my providers paid on time an at a decent rate.
I want to be billed with an itemized statement that I can understand.
It would save the providers time and money if they did that to begin with. It would save the insurance company money if it paid on time (I wouldn't have to call their employe to see when they are going to pay).
Yea, I know gripe, bitch and moan. Blame the insurance industry!! If they did their jobs quickly and accurately everyone would quit complaining about poor service.
Other than that it has been a pretty good week.

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