Thursday, January 22, 2009

CT Results

Had a CT scan on Monday of this week and got the results from my Radiation Oncologist yesterday.
After he looked over the report from the guys who read these things he told me to take my Bride out for a small celebration.
Everything looks much better in the lung. Lesion has shrunk (could be scar tissue from the radiation treatments per the RO) considerably. Nothing in the head (never doubted that, never was anything there to begin with), abdomen, pelvis or bone and nothing new in the chest area. Mediastinal nodes are now non-remarkable.
We went out to waiter asked if I wanted ICE in my requested "room temperature" water......hated to tell him NO.
Things are looking up........

1 comment:

RLR said...

WOO HOO! Got the email last night, and I'm gonna call you, but I just wanted to put a post here, too.

This is GREAT NEWS!!!

Love you,
The Older Daughter