Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year !

Well, it a new year and things are moving along.
Had very welcome visits from the daughters and
grand kids over the holidays. Always good to see
all of them.
Nothing much new with me. Had my porta-cath flushed
the other day. $188.00 !!!


RLR said...

Hi Daddy! We enjoyed our visit, too - and Mister J is already asking when we can come back! You wouldn't believe how often they are asking to "dance with the kitty" on the dance cam! And Mister J has figured out how to hook up his CD player to it, too! Now that they are over the camera-shyness, we need to go pick out a webcam for my PC ;)

Love you -
The Older Daughter

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, dude.

Hope all is going well for you.

Alexis gave me a Wii for Christmas (for when the grandkids come by)....funny thing is we have both gotten hooked on Guitar Hero! Imagine that...a grey haired 58 year old, rocking out in front of the TV with a plastic guitar. Then she buys us another edition along with another guitar so we can BOTH play at the same time. Never thought I would get addicted to something like that, but we find that it is a blast.

Highly recommended for when YOUR grandkids come by for a visit!

Hang in there, bud.
