Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today. Why today??? Why not?

Several have asked what's going on since I don't update very often.
Let's see, my Bride murdered her motorcycle, breaking her arm in the
process. Of course it goes without saying that her pride was injured,
probably more than anything else. I think that I can safely say that
she has given up riding the motorcycles.
As for me, I think I'm doing fine. My oncologist told me that I could
have my porta-cath removed (May 6th !!). I actually take that as a
good sign. Clinical trial is moving along. I have "graduated" from having
injections each week to a 6 week schedule. Feeling good, still working
5 days a week. I have realized that I am old enuff to retire but have no
idea what I would do if I did.
Today was my Bride's birthday and we went out for dinner. She gets to pick
where when it's her birthday. Next week is our anniversary. She gets to pick
where when it's her anniversary too.
Weather is beginning to remain warm. Skies have been clear lately. Hope they
will stay that way. I actually want to ride my bike to work a couple of times.
Here's hoping that everyone has a great week and if I don't update very often,
a wonderful summer.

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