Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have dabbled in the search for my ancestors for years, never getting really serious about the quest.
During the past six months or so I have taken the quest up again. I have dug around and have found people that I didn't realize were related, by blood or marriage.
This weekend I have been given a true and exciting thrill !! With the assistance of the wife of one of my cousins I reconnected with a person that I have not seen or heard from or about in over 60 years! Thanks to Anita I now know where my long lost (to me) cousin, Carmella is. Carmella is almost 9 years my senior. I remember her because she took time to play with me when I was only 3 or 4. I remember her as being a beautiful girl (even as youngster I had an eye for the girls). When my Mom, Dad and I moved from the North Carolina mountains to the South Carolina Pee Dee area we seem to have lost most of our contact with the mountain folk. That was/is tragic. My sister and I missed out on knowing our grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. It is something that we would love to reclaim but that's not possible. We can, however, strive to make as many connections as we can with those that are still alive and remember those that are no longer with us.
Thanks, Anita and Carmella for putting a really bright spot in my day.


Anita said...

You are very welcome Hartley. Jim and I 'found' Carmella around 8 years or so ago and we are so happy we did. We correspond via email all the time. We are glad we found you too. I share all the 'news, pictures & emails' that you send to me with Jim. He is very interested in his family history and always very happy when I can keep adding to it. Love the blog, by the way!

Hartley said...

Go to my FB page and browse the photos there. If you can't access them, let me know and I will make some changes in my profile so you can.
Jim and became FB "friends" yesterday.