Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gated Community Crazies

We live in a "Gated" 55+ community very near Walt Disney World. I have watched in awe as the inmates disregard most of the regulations and all of the traffic signs in this neighborhood.

Let's see . . . the speed limit is 15 MPH. You would think that with the golf carts the people use as their major mode of transportation that sign would not be too difficult to obey. WRONG!

I'm of the opinion that these carts have been modified by the tenants that had "muscle cars" as teens. This includes the ladies that drive these things too. Does anyone know how to say "little ol' lady from Pasadena"?? These gals will run you and your car off of the narrow streets. Don't even think about not letting them get through the gap between the speed bumps before you. You just might hear some language unbecoming emanating from these "grannys".


What in the world are they for? The golf carts don't obey them and neither do the real, street worthy, vehicles in the neighborhood. These geezers and geezerettes will blow through one faster than you can say "BOO!!"
The traffic control signs in this over fifty-five community should all say "Drive at YOUR own risk". That same sign should be posted far enough ahead of the entrance to give any sane person the opportunity to make an informed decision on entrance into the world of traffic crazies!!

No parking on the grass, don't count on it.
No parking in the street, don't count on it.

(About the only rule they do follow is "Pick up after your pooch", thankfully.)

Just keep your eyes wide open and watch out for a golf cart or street vehicle.
Oh yes, the UPS drivers that deliver in the community don't know the meaning of 15 MPH either.

Hope you are having a wonderful week!!

Until next time . . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love it! Not necessarily the way your neighbors drive but your views! Thanks for the warning. Pete & I will definitely be on the lookout on our next visit!